Saturday, December 20, 2014


2014 is slowly coming to an end, and it still feels like it should be march or april still. It's hard to believe that another twelve months has already passed. It feels like I haven't accomplished anything that would put my closer to my future goals.. So i had to really sit down and think about the things I did over the past 12 months.. and the things I plan to do through out 2015.

I started off the year working with a Lacrosse company and writing for a Hockey blog and ended the year back home in Windsor working a couple of different jobs and financially still in the same situation. Which is why it doesn't feel like i've moved overly much in the forward direction rather than just a side step. But when I really think about it... What i was doing at the start of year may have been within the media field but wasn't going to get me on the track to where I want to be. By moving back to Windsor and working with Windsor-Essex TV i'm getting the on air experience that I need in order to work towards my future goals. It's an accomplishment alone to have these opportunities here; even though there is still so far for me to go.

If you would have told me 12 months ago that I would be moving back to Windsor and doing what I am, I wouldn't have believed you. If you would have told me that even six months ago I probably would have laughed at you. A lot can happen in 12 months, it's a long time.. and it's because of that, that we don't realize the small accomplishments that we make. We don't piece together all of the little things that add up, so we feel like we've done nothing.

Heading into 2015, there are so many things that I have planned and so many things that I want to accomplish that it's going to be a busy year. Hopefully they can start to come together at the start of the year so that I won't be in the same place financially and i'll be able to be comfortable and not stressing out about how much I'm making all the time. Hopefully I won't have to work three jobs, and i'll be able to take some time off for myself.

There's so many people that think it's easy to just get a job out of college or university and work and be able to move out and live on your own. Meanwhile we get out of school with this huge debt, and barely any opportunities available unless you're willing to work for free. Finding my first paying broadcasting job was hard enough. Sure it's casual and i have to have other things on the side... but it's working my way there and getting to the point where it will be full time.

2015 Is going to be my year. It's going to be the year that things start to fall more into place. I can feel it and I can see it happening. Not just because I have the hope that it will, but because it's No Days Off. I'm working on it now.. before it's hear and getting ahead of the game. There's no sense in waiting for a new year when you already know what you want. If you haven't accomplished your goal yet, than there is still work that needs to be done.

2014 is already over in my mind .. it's 2015 and it's time to put in the work.