Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hamilton Nationals - Q&A with Joe Walters

Joe Walters has been playing for the Hamilton Nationals for the past three years, and was recently named to the MLL All Star game. Joe Walters is the all time leader in assists, points, and goals for the Nationals. The past two weeks he has played a huge role for the Nationals leading in points 2 out of the three games. I had a chance to sit down with Joe and talk about his lacrosse career.

B: How did you get started in lacrosse?

J: I played basketball and I used to wrestle. One of my friends during the wrestling season asked what I was doing in the spring. And I was 8 years old so obviously nothing. He said I should come play lacrosse. Our parents talked and I went out for lacrosse and I loved it.

B: So what’s been your greatest accomplishment in lacrosse?

J: I guess just being fortunate enough to win championships at the professional level. I think sometimes you take it for granted. I came into the MLL in 2006, won in 2008 with the Rattlers and then with our team the year after (in Toronto). There are some guys that play that don’t have that feeling. So I think just winning championship has been the greatest part of my career. I mean that’s the reason you play. I’m just fortunate to be on great teams and play alongside great players.

I think the overall best and most memorable moment of my lacrosse career was winning the first Knighthawks championship last year. Winning the World Championship in 2012 with the Knighthawks is definitely the most meaningful. I’ve told this story a few times. I’ve played a bunch of big games with college and high school programs and pro championships and I’ve never cried after winning. And last year was the first time that I cried after winning. I think it was just for me picking up the indoor game has been a big challenge and it took three years to finally realize that I was going to have to play during the summer and try and improve my box game. I played with Brampton and we ended up winning a Cup and that really helped to go into 2012 with a fresh attitude. I really felt like I belonged and that’s really why I cried, just knowing how much effort and how much work I had to put into my indoor game. So, I think that’s kind of the main experience and most memorable out of my lacrosse career.

B: That’s a fantastic story, what advantage do you think that you get from playing both box and field?

J: I think it helps. I think it’s the way that lacrosse is going. Coaches in the states, especially at the top level, are looking for players that are multi-dimensional. You’re finding more and more in Canada going down to the states to play in college so I think that’s where the sport is headed. The skills in box lacrosse really help you in outdoor. You learn basic overall toughness, the two-man game, just being able to handle the ball in tight corners and being able to see the floor. Those really help your field game. Not only does playing with the Knighthawks help with the summer league, as far as skills, but you also have a stick in your hand all year round. You know it can be tough if you’re not playing all winter to start practicing and to start getting ready for the summer league without playing. That can be tough. Playing all winter and having the stick in your hands is an added bonus.

B: Who is your athletic motivation?

J: Clearly there’s my favorite athlete, but my father is definitely who really motivates me. My dad didn’t play lacrosse, but he’s probably my biggest lacrosse hero. He’s very hands on, went to every lacrosse camp and took me to a ton of lacrosse camps to get better and try and learn from the best. He was always there and traveled with me. He didn’t just drop me off, he stayed and took notes and tried to learn the game. So that when we were at home we could work on those skills together. Besides that the overall motivation that he gave me, he didn’t let me just sit around and hang out with my friends throughout middle school and high school, he encouraged me and made me to shoot around outside in the backyard and lift weights. Without him, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today.

B: Are you guys still really close?

J: Oh yah. He’s defiantly one of my best friends. He is my best friend.

B: It’s good to still have that strong relationship:
J: He’s never missed a game. I mean he’s missed a couple because of work or if it’s somewhere really far that he might not be able to make it. He’s coming to Florida this weekend. He hasn’t missed many games, I could probably count on one hand how many games he’s missed through out my lacrosse career.

B: So you do a lot with the schools and talking to kids. What’s really the main message that you try and get across?

J: If I’m just talking to kids, I think the main message is that you have to work hard. Nothing in life is going to be easy and I look at my indoor career and give that example. I grew up playing lacrosse and I was pretty good at it and I excelled at the field game. I assumed the indoor game would be a cakewalk and I’d be good at it. But I realized that it was a completely different game and it took me a couple years to realize that I could either quit, which I thought about, or work hard and try to learn the game. I think that’s the overall lesson in life. Nothing in life is easy. If you want to excel at something it’s going to take hard work and being dedicated. If you put forth the effort, you will see results. Whether it’s your schoolwork, science project or math homework, the more you practice it, and the more effort you put into it, the better you’re going to get at it.

B: You just recently won the Elliot Cushing award on Tuesday, so just what are your thoughts on winning that?
J: I didn’t have to do a speech, but if I were to give a speech what I was going to say was that lacrosse has taken me to so many places and it’s been a huge part of my life. I’ve been able to travel to camps all over the place and I’ve gotten to play lacrosse in Canada, Rome and Hawaii. I’ve been all over the country and the world teaching the sport. Lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in our country and I think that’s really cool to say. Our sport is growing every year and it’s not declining. I think it’s important, and with my experience, it’s something I love to do and it’s a sport that’s taken me places. It’s really been my goal to be a leader and continue that trend and keep lacrosse growing. Hopefully, one day it can become a big time mainstream sport like it should be.

B: How do you prepare for a game? Do you have any weird superstitions?
J: Over the past bunch of years, I like to take a little nap. I don’t like to sleep too much, but I feel like if I don’t take a nap it’ll be in the back of my head so I try to lay down for a little bit. I’m not particular with food, but this goes back to when I was at Maryland, I like to have a diet Pepsi or a diet Coke throughout the day. I guess that’s my only quirky thing.

B: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

J: I’d love to be able to be in two places at once. The reason is that there are so many things to do and just a limited amount of time. Sometimes you’re so busy playing games and traveling, you just want to be home too. So there are a lot of things going on and we’re so busy that it’d be nice to be in two places at once.

B: What’s a song on your iPod you wouldn’t want people to know about?
J: I guess it’s kind of from last year but “Call Me Maybe.”

B: What’s something that you wish you had more time to do?
J: Travel. I love to travel and explore new places. I think that there are so many cool places to visit. I try and travel as much as I possibly can, but it’s something I wish I could do more of.

B: Where’s one place that you want to go that you haven’t been?
J: I plan on going, but I’d like to go to Vietnam. My mother is from Vietnam and met my father during the Vietnam War. She has not retuned since she’s been over here, so it’s been a long time. My goal is to go to Vietnam with my mother because I know it means a lot to her. To go back and see where’s she’s from…so it’s kind of No. 1 on my list.

B: What do you do in your spare time outside of work?
J: Well, I like to travel so if there’s any opportunity where I can take a little trip I like to do that. Besides that, I like to shop, shopping. I just like relaxing.

B: What is your favorite pair of sneakers in your collection?

J: I haven’t even worn them yet. They’re from 2001, Nike Air Jordan ones. B: Do you have a lot of shoes?
J: Yeah, I have a lot. I used to collect, but I don’t collect anymore. I collected rare and exclusive sneakers. I plan on wearing them soon.

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