Sunday, September 15, 2013


The Mcmaster Marauders hosted Laurentian in a Sunday night match up. Mcmaster coming off of a tough loss earlier in the weekend to Western was looking to rebound and get a win at home, which is exactly what they did. 

The Marauders fought through the entire night in order to come out with a one goal win over the Voyageurs in this penalty filled match up. Starting off the scoring for McMaster was Cameron Rose, who would put in just one goal for the night. Justin Beatty would also put one in to end the first quarter with the marauders up by one. 

The Marauders led for a majority of the first half until Laurentian’s Bob Pollock would toss two in a row to end the half with the voyageurs up 5-4.  Laurentian would lead just once more in the fourth before Beatty found the back of the net, nearing the end of the fourth. Jamie Batten would put in the final goal of the contest, giving the marauders their one point edge and the win.

The Marauder’s next game will take place at home on Friday September 20th against the Western Mustangs at 7pm. 

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