As many people know the NFL along with several other sports deck themselves out in Pink throughout the month of October to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness has sky rocketed over the past few years, and there is no reason at all that it shouldn't continue this. I think that having professional teams , college teams, and even high schools teams wear pink is a huge step to helping raise awareness.
However what I don't agree on at all is the fact that Brandon Marshall was told he couldn't wear green cleats for Mental Health Awareness. Mental Health is something that gets pushed to the side all of the time because symptoms aren't seen and people don't talk about it. If more people to support Mental Health Awareness and build the overall knowledge on the topic than more people would speak up.
I personally lost a lot of respect for the NFL with this decision. Not only because I've personally struggled with mental illness but because I know that I may have gotten help for my self, but there are SEVERAL others out there that are fighting it alone. There are many people out there that think they are alone and that people don't care. The NFL is a huge organization and I think that they should be taking a stand for more than just one or two causes.
Yes there are reasons they are strict with their uniform. Yes they have a uniform for a reason. But don't you think that the NFL should acknowledge the fact that there are millions of people world wide that are suffering from mental illness? Should the organization not realize that their players have a higher chance of mental illness than things such as breast cancer?
And my final thought/fact to leave you with:
Cancer patients have an 80 percent chance of living. 1 in 5 people with an Eating Disorder (a mental illness) will die.
Break the Stigma.
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